The Mathematics program in elementary school stresses understanding and applications of mathematical concepts as well as the development of computational skills. New Jersey Student Learning Standards are embedded in the curriculum and learning activities to assure the development of skills. Ongoing assessments allow teachers to identify areas of strength and weakness and direct instruction to meet student needs. Children will be involved in a number of active learning experiences that will enable them to develop the ability to solve mathematical problems as applied to real-life situations. Students will utilize 21st century learning practices to further their learning. Children will be expected to solve routine and non-routine problems, including solving open-ended problems that have multiple correct solutions. Children will need to be risk-takers, decision-makers and cooperative workers.
The content of the curriculum will include the development of many concepts. Students will work to develop Number Sense, the ability to use and represent numbers. Students will work to develop skills with the Numerical Operations of traditional arithmetic. Students will work to develop Spatial Sense, the ability to use geometric properties and relationships. Measurement, including nonstandard and standard measurements in English and metric units to describe the world around them, will be an essential part of the math program. Students will work to develop Estimation Strategies, including a sense of when to use or not use estimation. Students will work to develop Patterns, Relationships, and Functions to predict and explain the world around them. They will work with Graphs and Data from real-world situations. Students will work to develop Algebraic Thinking as a means of solving problems. Students will work to develop skills in the area of probability, including an understanding of prediction based on probability.