Bilingual and ESL Programs
The goal of our programs is to assist all Bilingual Limited English students and English Language Learners success in academic language acquisition, as well as, fluency in the social language of their new surroundings. The Bilingual Limited English students will develop learning habits such as using context to interpret meaning, recognizing words 20 that describe thinking skills reading challenging but understandable material taking risks in the new language, and conversing with native English speakers about academic topics. In acquiring the second language in our program, the students will increase their language and academic skills to perform grade-level work for each curriculum area of the NJSLS and WIDA ELD Standards. The elementary program for Bilingual/ELL students consists of the following.
Part-time Bilingual – This level of limited English students of Spanish, grades K – 5, are serviced in our Bilingual Part-Time program at Lincoln Elementary School which is the magnet school for the elementary level. The elementary bilingual (Spanish) student is pulled out from the mainstream class of instruction daily for forty-five minutes to one hour for their developmental reading and mathematics with a certified bilingual teacher. The certified bilingual instructor aligns her lesson plans in literacy and math for the age-appropriate grade of the student and their individual needs.
Native Language Instruction – The material at the elementary level at Lincoln Elementary School is taught in Spanish until the student is able to participate in the mainstream program. Student materials are available in both Spanish and English. To facilitate instruction in the mainstream classroom, a bilingual paraprofessional assists the students in their native language, which provides a comfortable and accepting environment until the student makes the transition to the target language. They also receive resource room assistance for any difficult assignments or assessments given by the mainstream teacher, which is translated, into Spanish. The bilingual teacher, bilingual paraprofessional and mainstream teacher meet regularly to discuss student progress.
Transition - The students are transitioned into all English instruction as they demonstrate their communicative and academic progress. They still can receive and have the availability of resource room assistance from the bilingual teacher and paraprofessional.